Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Revision request

Tomorrow (25th) we’re going to look at the whole Creation & Evolution and Irreducible Complexity area, referring to Darwin & Dawkins and others.

It's the last chance before the exam on Thursday.


Monday, 23 May 2011

Special request

Tomorrow (Tues 24th) we’re going to look at Anselm, Descartes and their Ontological arguments.

Feel free to come along,


Sunday, 15 May 2011


Don’t forget I am here for you for revision in our normal timetabled lessons as far as possible (though I cannot guarantee that I will not be taken for Cover/invigilation or similar). The easiest way to request that we look at a particular topic is to use the ‘Comment’ box at the bottom of each post. Anybody can use this facility not just those with BLOGGER accounts. Try to give me about 24 hours notice of specific requests.

Hope the revision is going well.